Understanding, Characterizing, and Modeling Complex Hydrologic Systems
Research Interest: Using a process network approach to analyze links and feedbacks between plants, nutrients, and hydrology in intensively managed and pristine landscapes.
Research Interest: Bioenergy, soil carbon and nitrogen cycle, nitrogen age modeling.
Research Interest: Hydrogeomorphology.
Research Interest: Noise-induced phenomenon and stochastic resilience in ecosystem, web service modeling.
Research Interest: Study of hydraulic redistribution regimes in the critical zones.
Research Interest: Ecosystem Services in the Critical Zone.
Research Interest: Emergent risk in complex hydrologic systems.
Research Interest: Waveform LiDAR data analysis
Influence of Climate Variability on Terrestrial Hydrology in North America.
Now a faculty at the University of Hong Kong .
Flow Dynamics in Large River Basins: Self-Similar Network Structure and Scale Effects.
Now a faculty at the University of New Castle, Australia.
Investigation of Partial Contributing Areas in Watersheds with a Conjuctive Surface - Subsurface Flow Model, (advised jointly with A. Valocchi).
Now with the Illinois State Water Survey. .
Inter-Annual Vegetation Variability and its Hydrologic Dependence.
Now at Los Alamos National Labs. .
Estimating Soil-Moisture and Energy Fluxes Using Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Land-Surface State Variables.
Completed PostDoc at University of South Carolina (2008).
Now with a private firm in Houston, TX. .
Complexity, Emergence, and Self-Similar Organization in River Networks.
Now a faculty at Korea University .
3-D Volume Averaged Soil-Moisture Transport Model: A Scalable Scheme for Representing Subgrid topographic Control in Land-Atmosphere Interactions.
Now a faculty at Yeungnam Univ. Korea, 2008 – present .
Precipitation Recycling as a Mechanism for Ecoclimatological Stability through Local and Non-local Interactions.
Now a faculty at the University of Arizona, Tucson.
Deep-Layer Terrestrial Hydrologic Memory and Mechanisms of its Influence on the Ecoclimatology of the Biosphere.
Now working in Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. .
Identification and Characterization of Ecohydrologic Process Networks.
Now a Faculty at Arizona State University.
Seasonal Hydrologic Dynamics Under Changing Climate, Land Use-Land Cover and Human Influence.
Now working with URS Corp. in Maryland.
Landscape Structure, Regimes, and Co-evolution of Hydrologic Systems, (Sivapalan lead advisor).
Now a falcuty at John Hopkins University. .
Coupled dynamics of above- and below-ground interactions in the critical zone.
Now a Postdoc at CEE - University of Illinois
Optimality and resilience in patterns of carbon allocation and growth in vegetation under acclimation response to climate change.
Now a Postdoc at IGB - University of Illinois. .
Assessing Disaster Impact From Large Scale Floods Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing.
Now a Postdoc at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech. .
Predicting malaria dynamics under climate change.