Understanding, Characterizing, and Modeling Complex Hydrologic Systems
Research Interest: Study of hydraulic redistribution regimes in the critical zones.
Research Interest: Ecosystem dynamics and the thermodynamics of self-organization in the Critical Zone.
Research Interest: Water-Plant-Soil-Microbe Dynamics in the Critical Zone. Website
Research Interest: Effects of land surface heterogeneity on ecosystem water, energy, and carbon fluxes.
Research Interest: Critical Zone studies, Atmospheric Boundary Layer studies, Hydrological Hazards.
Research Interest: Energy, Information Theory, and Complex Systems.
Research Interest: Air-To-Water technology, Planetary Boundary-Layer Research, Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment.
Research Interest: Spatio-temporal causal dependencies of the ecohydrological complex system, geo-informatics.
Research Interest: Crop growth modeling, Climate Change, Irrigation and Nitrogen management.
Influence of Climate Variability on Terrestrial Hydrology in North America.
Now a faculty at the University of Hong Kong .
Flow Dynamics in Large River Basins: Self-Similar Network Structure and Scale Effects.
Now a faculty at the University of New Castle, Australia.
Investigation of Partial Contributing Areas in Watersheds with a Conjuctive Surface - Subsurface Flow Model, (advised jointly with A. Valocchi).
Now with the Illinois State Water Survey. .
Inter-Annual Vegetation Variability and its Hydrologic Dependence.
Now at Los Alamos National Labs. .
Estimating Soil-Moisture and Energy Fluxes Using Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Land-Surface State Variables.
Completed PostDoc at University of South Carolina (2008).
Now with a private firm in Houston, TX. .
Complexity, Emergence, and Self-Similar Organization in River Networks.
Now a faculty at Korea University .
3-D Volume Averaged Soil-Moisture Transport Model: A Scalable Scheme for Representing Subgrid topographic Control in Land-Atmosphere Interactions.
Now a faculty at Yeungnam Univ. Korea, 2008 – present .
Precipitation Recycling as a Mechanism for Ecoclimatological Stability through Local and Non-local Interactions.
Now a faculty at UIUC
Deep-Layer Terrestrial Hydrologic Memory and Mechanisms of its Influence on the Ecoclimatology of the Biosphere.
Now working in Los Angeles County Department of Public Works .
Identification and Characterization of Ecohydrologic Process Networks.
Now a Faculty at Arizona State University.
Seasonal Hydrologic Dynamics Under Changing Climate, Land Use-Land Cover and Human Influence.
Now working with URS Corp. in Maryland.
Landscape Structure, Regimes, and Co-evolution of Hydrologic Systems, (Sivapalan lead advisor).
Now a falcuty at John Hopkins University. .
Coupled dynamics of above- and below-ground interactions in the critical zone.
Now in Ecuador
Optimality and resilience in patterns of carbon allocation and growth in vegetation under acclimation response to climate change.
Now a staff scientist at PNNL .
Assessing Disaster Impact From Large Scale Floods Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing.
Now a Postdoc at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech. .
Predicting malaria dynamics under climate change.
Now at Vietnam National Univeristy .
Using a process network approach to analyze links and feedbacks between plants, nutrients, and hydrology in intensively managed and pristine landscapes. Now at University of Colorado, Denver
Soil carbon and nitrogen cycle modeling for bioenergy crops. Now at Keimyung University, South Korea
Coevolutionary dynamics under anthropogenic impact in intensively managed landscapes. Now at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Causal history analysis of complex system dynamics. Now at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory